Sunday, October 13, 2013

{First Trimester: Growing Pains}

Late. Really late, but I've been late before. So, not really a shock. But wait...surprise...I'm pregnant! Excitement. Joy. Happiness. Could this be it? Is this really happening?! Take another. Pregnant {again}! Pure bliss. Delight. Love. Rushed by a wave of disbelief. Uncertainty. Immense doubt. This has happened before. Now what? The obvious: make a doctor's appointment.

That first Obygyn appointment was rough. I had had a scare that weekend before, and was sure my fears had come true. I came in to that appointment with a doubtful, bad attitude, and really didn't like the nurses and staff congratulating me because I haven't seen the physician yet to get answers. When I saw her I turned into nurse mode: what's my HCG? Why was I bleeding? She asks, "What symptoms do you have?" Nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. "Yeah, that's what happens when you're 8 weeks pregnant! You're HCG is 7,800. The spotting you had was most likely implantation spotting." I don't mean to be rude, but I've been pregnant before - I need more proof than that. "Okay. We can do that - let's do an ultrasound." She sets me up, and of course, I'm tense. To make it worse, the baby is nowhere to be found! Typical, I have a child just as difficult as me. After a few minutes and after the physician asked me to relax, I was introduced to the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. A heartbeat. I listen to heartbeats all the time, everyday at work. I know what regular heartbeats sound, and irregular heartbeats sound like. No matter what the sound, one thing is for sure ~ it is a extraordinary representation of life. Then, and only then I believed...I'm pregnant. That most amazing sound of my baby's heartbeat melted my heart. I've never experienced a moment like this. I was filled with God's love. I laughed. I cried. I was speechless {for once}. A miracle.

{taken from First}

I had come to believe that it would take years to conceive, and reserved in my mind that adoption was the only way I would be a mom. In my mind I was getting "old", and laughed at the thought of having a baby anytime soon. I had failed twice, and my odds were against me. I allowed all those negative thoughts to encompass me. I somehow had forgotten the dreams my husband had that we'd be parents, the prophecies that myself and other people in my family have received about the promise of a child. Then I remembered the story of Sarah:

      The visitors visited Abraham, and asked, "Where is your wife?" He replies,
      "She is in the tent." And one of them said, "I will return to you about this time
       next year and she will have a child." Sarah overhead the conversation, laughed to
       herself, and thought of all the impossibilities that faced her "if " she was to be with
       child. Then the Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh? Why did she say,
       'Can an old woman like me be with child?' Is there anything too hard for the Lord?
       I will return next year, and Sarah will have a son." Genesis 18:9-15 {paraphrased}
       The Lord kept His promise. Sarah had a son even in Abraham's old age of 100 years
       old. She gave birth to a son named Isaac. And she declared, "The Lord heard my
       laughter. All who hear this will laugh with me!" Genesis 21:1-7 {paraphrased}

Why do we laugh when God gives us a promise? Is it that we are so full of doubt that it is too hard to fathom that He could actually come through for us? Is it that we are look at our physical circumstance and think how could God turn it around? Where is our faith? Where is our hope? Where is our trust in God? Have we forgotten that God is mighty in our weakness, stronger in our infirmities, greater in our struggles, and NOTHING is too big for Him! God does His best work in these situations. If it were perfectly easy for Him how would we have known He came through for us? Would we even see it? Would we even appreciate it? If it were easy, would we even put our trust in Him? My guess is - probably not. We are human; we think we "can do it"! Heck, Nike tells us we can! We read postings on Facebook to channel your inner "beast mode" and trust in yourself to get whatever job done. I know personally because I subscribe to them. The different is the that we need to have trust in God FIRST, and with His guidance we can channel our inner warrior beast mode, that inner spirit that encourages you to "just do it", and have faith that moves mountains! So, why don't we use that in our daily lives? We as Believers, including myself need to get rid of that stinkin' thinkin' - that we can do it all by ourselves! Have we not learned that things are so much harder on our own?

                                         {taken from JCLU on Facebook}

So, I am now in my second trimester, and I've reached a milestone in my life. I am so blessed to be where I am right now, and the glory goes to God. Going through the first process of this pregnancy has been a struggle, and I equate it to growing in Christ and losing weight {the healthy way}. I've been a Believer all of my life, and have gone through this process several times. However, from August of last year when I decided it was time for to give my life to God to becoming mother that took everything from me. As most of you know I have had two miscarriages since then. I struggled a lot during that time while working full-time, going to school full-time, my husband had a sports injury that put him out of work for 3 months {first miscarriage}, my father was in the hospital {second miscarriage}, and I was accused of cheating in college that required I attend school court hearings. I did, however, graduate in May with my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing - all while battling with depression, weight gain, financial issues, a spiritual low, and had little to no support from people who I thought would were close to me.

Over the summer after I graduated, I decided I need a transformation in my spiritual and physical life. Like I said, I dealt with weight gain - I was eating like a maniac without regard to what I was putting in my mouth. In much the same way with my depression - putting toxic things in my heart and mind without regards to what it was doing to my spirit. When I decided to put a stop to those toxic things and go on a purge is when I started seeing results. I started using Advocare, did the 30 day Challenge, and trusted God to help me with my weight. That process taught me to eat clean while cleansing & building muscle. My workouts were more effective because I was changing my eating habits. I also started becoming more faithful in church, reading my Bible, and praying more. Then later this summer, a year from when I first told God "I" was ready to be a mom - I found out I was pregnant. This pregnancy has been full of morning sickness, headaches, cramping, skin changes, a few aches, pains, but all of it is to prepare me to becoming a mom.

To get to my point about pregnancy is similar to growing in Christ and transforming your physical body, all three REQUIRE a process of growing pains, purging, and transformation. From a spiritual standpoint, you give your life to God allowing Him to transform you into what He wants you to be. As a new Believer you have no idea what you're doing. You go buy a book called the Bible, you teach yourself to start trying to put trust in someone you cannot see, you learn how to put your problems in His hands, and you ask Him to change you to be a better person. You ask Him to rid yourself of you, and to become more like Him. From a physical training aspect, you purge yourself from toxic things in order to get the {healthy} results you're looking for. You look into different ways to train your body, different ways to cook from eating clean, eating paleo, or eating organic. You work hard with each meal and each workout session to transform your body into what you want it to be. Furthermore, from a pregnancy perspective, you go buy a book, "What to Expect When You're Expecting" because you have no idea what your body is doing. Your body is finicky of what it wants, and if it doesn't settle well - it will purge it out. You have this wave of elevated hormones that you wake up purging everything you have in it. You give up certain foods or certain foods give up on you! You learn to welcome a new process of your body's changes as it starts stretching, and transforming to make room for the life you have inside of you.
During the low of the first miscarriage God specifically told me to put my trust in Him, and that He wanted to spend more time with me. I said, "yes", but my actions said otherwise. I went through the holidays and thought the depressed feelings would go away. They didn't. With each incident that occurred, my depression got worse, God's voice got stronger, and I got weaker. There was no other solution, but to look up! He had been there with me the whole time, but I chose to do things my way. Not my brightest moment. I often wonder would things have been differently if I had listen sooner? Why didn't I just do it His way? Would I be as grateful and thankful if I had listened to God the first time? Why am I so stubborn?

How about you hear God's voice telling you something specific about where you are right now? Or are you doing things your way? Have you laughed at God and His promise to you? Are you overwhelmed with your physical circumstance that you see no way for God to help you? Are you in need of a transformation in your life? I urge you to listen to that still small voice that is telling you, "I'm here. I've always been here with you. Nothing is too big for Me. My yolk is easy and my burden is light - let Me carry you. Let Me carry your child, your finances, your husband, your disease, your work, your dreams for your family. You are my Beloved." Trust in Him. He is waiting for you, and He has great plans in store for you {Jeremiah 29:11}. 

{taken from}


Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Timing is everything in the world we live in ~ at work with your director, at home with your family, a date night with the girls, an event for church, meeting up a friend, or deadlines for school. I have this strange obsession with timing, planning, and organizing. I couldn't tell you how many calendars, post it notes, dry erase boards, and notebooks I have! But as we all know, life doesn't run by our own timing; in fact, it's the complete opposite. I've experienced it first hand. I hear people often say, "Oh well, the stars didn't align" or "It was just bad luck" when things do not happen our way. I just cannot believe that. I believe everything happens for a reason, and that there is divine intervention.

It has been a while since my last post as I felt God was leading me to spend more time with Him. A few months after my first miscarriage I had another. The second loss really took everything out of me. To make things worse, my husband was barely going back to work from being off of work from an injury {money was tight as you can imagine}. I was in the last semester of college, and my grades were slipping. I felt like I was loosing grip of everything. I experienced depression for the first time in my life. I gained weight. I would cried at the drop of a hat. I felt alone, lost faith, hope, and was just not myself. However, what I didn't realize is that I was in the best place for God to reach me...between a rock and a hard place. I knew since last fall, God was wanting more of me, but I didn't have time for God. I got busy with the hustle of the holidays, school, life, and quite frankly put God on the back burner. When the second miscarriage happened I knew I had to make some changes. I felt God was trying to get my attention as I could hear this constant voice saying, "Monica, you cannot do this alone. Why can't you '"be still and know that I am {your} God?"

Naturally, this didn't come naturally {big shocker}! Being still was the hardest to master, and it took me what seemed like forever to figure out. I followed my spirit and removed those things in my life that are were not uplifting me, and posing a distraction. First thing, I got rid of my Facebook. This was difficult. The majority of my family is on there, and a lot of them are using the events page, messaging, and using posts to discuss parties, etc. I now had the free time to worship, read my Bible, pray, and really get in tune with what God wanted me to learn from all of this. It also allowed me to love my body again. I felt as if my body had rejected me, and the very thing I was designed to do {to be "fruitful and multiply"} - I had failed. I got back into working out on a regular basis, changing my diet {again}, and loving myself with all of its imperfections. In the process, I DID graduate! In May I graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas at Arlington. Talk about a relief! Whew!

So, you might ask: Did I find out what God was trying to teach me? What am I doing with all of my free time? Why talk about it now? The answer...timing IS everything, and I am ready to talk about what I know & don't know. What I do know is I am closer to God. He is constantly teaching me to trust in Him, and get rid of the stupid, OCD, perfect plan. Life isn't perfect. Life doesn't go by "my plan" {hello}! My free time consists of decorating my house, playing with my dogs, visiting friends, working out, and really whatever I want! Why I chose to talk about it now is because after the miscarriages I had several women who contacted me about advice, tips, and suggestions as they had experienced their first miscarriage as well. I want others who've experienced this to know - it gets better. I do plan on trying again for a child, and when that is - I really do not know. I will just have fun practicing in the meantime!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


My definitions of the following ~

Pregnant: all of my dreams summed into one word ....being a mom.

Marriage: allowing your husband to be your strength when you are physically weak, and becoming stronger through our struggles. Living out the words, "for better, or for sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Miscarriage: lossing the baby and the dreams you had for your precious child, and giving God his/her soul.

Threatened abortion: putting all of your faith in God to take care of your baby (while still hating the word).


November 9th, 2012 ~
Late. Really late...pregnant ((reading a pregnancy test))! Stunned. Speechless. Excited. Emotional. Happy. Loved. Make an appointment asap to check (Dec. 4th, 2012).

November 24th, 2012 ~
4 am. Cramping. Bleeding. Scared. E.R. Doctors. Nurses. You're pregnant. There is a sac. You need to follow up with your Oby-gyn on Monday. No real answer. Dx: threatened abortion. Denial. Grief. But I'm going to make myself be happy. I'm going to wear a smile even if it hurts. I'm going to fake it til I make it. I must stay with a positive outlook.

November 25th, 2012 ~
More bleeding. More cramping. Panic. Bargaining....with God. Loss. Defeated. Angry...very angry. Why is this happening? Tears...uncontrollable tears.

November 26th, 2012 ~
Follow up. Oby-gyn giving me more information. If this is a miscarriage, tell me - I can take it. I need to know. I want to be in the moment if it is. Doctor: if you are having a miscarriage there is nothing you can do for your body to stop the process. Sadness. Helpless. Depression.

November 27th, 2012 ~
More cramping. Spotting. Working. Hiding so no one sees my face. Asking God for His will (repeat).

November 28th, 2012 ~
I'm better today than yesterday. Doctor's call back ~ you're not pregnant (anymore). You experienced a miscarriage. I'm sorry. Words like a knife. Crushed. Weeping. Why God, why? Didn't you hear me? Tears like a river in the waiting room at Josh's Doctor's appointment no less. Get me out of here! Still I will fake it til I make it...Christmas decorations up asap.

November 29th, 2012 ~
This was your will, God. I trust in You. I need You to be with strengthen me. I am so weak, and need to feel Your presence. I did feel His presence while I was at work while taking care of my patients - my mind was off of me,  and on them. My sister, brother in-law, and cousin gave me so much support - kept checking up on me, fed me, and loved on me.

November 30th, 2012 ~
Feeling His (God) peace filling up my body. Loving me. Accepting me. Me accepting me.

December 2nd, 2012 ~
The church service was meant for me. There was prayer for all of the woman, and the vision woman carry for their family. I was refueled, recharged, and re-energized!

December 4th, 2012 ~
Bittersweet. I was supposed to be getting an ultrasound of my beautiful baby. Instead our visit today was to make sure my miscarriage has completely been removed from my body naturally, and talk about when we can try again. I'm confident it will happen one day, and we will have a little one - one day!

A few people knew I was pregnant and I sent them all a text as soon as possible so that if there were any questions I could get it out while I was already crying! I asked them to "not make it a big deal" as dying it down seemed appropriate at the time, when a friend said to me, "Monica, if you believe life begins at conception - IT IS A BIG DEAL. You will see your baby in Heaven." Those words brought me so much peace, and joy knowing that the month and a half I carried my precious little peanut wasn't in vain. I'm much better now, and I still get sad when people ask ((I think I always will)). But today I am stronger, healthy, happy, and know that God has a great plan for my husband & I...and our future bambino! To the ones who have called me, prayed for me, loved on me, hugged me, cried with me, checked up on me, and have uplifted me during this know who you are - thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're love for me has encouraged this mourning heart. I have my faith in God, and only He has turned my mourning heart into dancing Psalms 30:11. I don't know why things like this happen, but what I do know that God has a perfect plan according to Jeremiah 29:11 and I trust that He knows best for my life.

This is my story of me and my baby....and when we were carried.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


There are a few people in my life that I would like to mention who were birthed on this glorious month of October, and they are just too important and special to go unnoticed. First and foremost, my little brother turned 24 years old...and I suppose he's not little anymore - he's a grown, handsome, and loving man. And when he's not working or with his beautiful wife, he's impacting the youth at his church. 

{Happy Birthday, Jacob!}

Another special and beautiful person is my cousin, Karina, and she celebrated her sweet 16...well, almost! Her actual party will be after Thanksgiving, and we cannot wait to celebrate (again)! She is spunky, quick-witted, loving, and has the heart of a leader. 

{Happy Sweet 16 Birthday Girl!}

The other person is my darling, sweet, and loving Tia Mirtha who has such a servant's heart. She turned a monumental age this year, but I will not disclose a lady's age! She is a wonderful wife, mother, daughter, and aunt. She is a behind the scene hard worker, and although she hates attention - she deserves all it all. 

{Te amo much, Tia!}

The other person that I would like to mention is my gorgeous friend, Shanna. Not only is she breathtaking, but she's giving, loving, and oh so funny. God has not only blessed her with a wonderful, strong, and dedicated husband - their marriage has been an example to Josh & I. Their 4 children are the most kind hearted, beautiful, and full of energy children who are replicas of their parents. If you met Shanna you would never know the struggles she's faced. You would never hear a compliant, negative thought, or inconvenience from her mouth - she is one of the most positive persons I know. I am so blessed to have met her years ago, learn from her as a nurse,  mother, wife, daughter, and friend. Shanna, you are dear to my heart. I love you so much.

{The birthday girl with her mom ~ they're beautiful, aren't they?!}

{Behind every great woman is a great man...and that handsome man to 
the left is love of her life & a great man.}

{Even without the 40 candles she'd light up a room.}

{The Birthday Girl & I}

{Ruby, Shanna, & Tanya ~ Beautiful Besties!}

{Dancing the night away to the best of the 80's & 90's at Howl at the Moon.}

{Shanna, Pam, & I ~ I love these girls.}

{Kathy & I ~ She's gorgeous!}

{Shanna, Ruby, & I ~ 
Ruby & Mark, planned an amazing party!  Love you, girl!}

{My handsome husband & I ending a great night!}

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

{Happy Autumn!}

I love the change of the seasons, don't you? I love the changing of the leaves, the change in the weather, and the change my life goes through with the season. I particularly enjoy the Fall season as it allows 'extra' times for my family to get if we need any more reasons! Either way, I have been looking for a pumpkin patch for about a week, and really wanted to get this year's pumpkins from a patch as I've already compared the prices - and found that it was slightly more inexpensive (and could get a few pics out of the trip)! So, after church Josh being the patient spouse that I am not drove around town from Friendswood to League City to find his wifey a pumpkin patch! :) Thank God it was at a church off the road or I would've had to go back to church as I was starting to lose hope!

{Here are the orange beauties I plan on decorating and cooking with. More pics to come!}

{Happy Autumn from The Curteman's}

Monday, October 15, 2012

{For the girls}

Hello girls,
Thank you for helping me embrace womanhood. You've been with me everyday. We've gone through some changes. You've been with me through good times. You've been with me through bad times, and sometimes you've caused me some pain. You've made me feel like a woman, and one day you will join me through motherhood. Every month I check on you girls, but this month I celebrate you. I not only celebrate you, but I celebrate those who've lost you - the original you, and gained a 'new' you. I celebrate those who've attacked breast cancer, and now give inspiration to women everywhere. I remember those who've gone before me, and learn from their experiences. This month, I celebrate my boobies, and support Breast Cancer Awareness.

This past weekend I had the great pleasure of sponsoring a table and donating some Stella & Dot pieces from our Breast Cancer Awareness line to the Pampered Pink Event held by The Clear Lake Regional Breast Diagnostic Center. I heard about the event last year when I worked for Clear Lake Regional, and donated Stella & Dot's Tribute bracelet (our Breast Cancer Awareness piece from 2011). Last year's event was the first event, and the expected guest count was 50-ish. There were more than 200 people who came that year! This year's event was at least 400 people in attendance (if not more), and hosted by Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. The creator and organizer, Joni Faas, of the Breast Diagnostic Center, had the idea of bringing together the women of the Bayarea and celebrating them - telling their stories of breast cancer, presenting awareness to the topic, and supporting the cause. My sister accompanied to the event, and we were both touched by the survivors and "sur-thrivers", as they call those men & women who are currently going through treatment. The best part was the fashion show put on by men & women who have or had breast cancer, hearing their stories, and seeing them transformed into beautiful butterflies. The shined and worked the runway in stunning outfits by the Clothes Horse in League City, Texas and Joseph A. Bank. My sister and I had the honor of sitting next to a woman who was in the middle of her treatment, and to hear her story as she was presented by a shaw made by a group of women who specifically make them for those affected by breast cancer to provide the receiver a "blanket" of support, encouragement, strength, and beauty during the difficult time.


{The winner of the Stella & Dot prize was Ashton from Volume Salon on Bayarea!}

{The beautiful and handsome men & women who've attacked cancer, and won!}

{These exquisite bras were made by women in the community for the silent auction.}

{My beautiful sister & I}

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast caner in their lifetime. Over 220,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. When breast cancer is detected early, the 5 year survival rate is 98%. Join me in the sisterhood and have 'that' conversation with your girlfriends. I urge you to do monthly self breast exams, make your annual well-women exam, including your mammogram - because early detection saves lives.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

{Someone help the Nurse!}

I started off by waking up at 0500 to my dogs barking! Soon after, I got to work to take an exam (the second time). I am currently at a new place of employment that requires their nurses to take an exam testing their critical thinking skills based on their specific field (med/surg, pedi, ICU, etc.), and it is graded by pass or fail. I failed. :( However, I hope that this time around I passed. I then went and had a great lunch date with a very good friend of mine, Sara. We've been friends for 6 years now and started our nursing journey together.

{This picture was taken on our last day of LVN school in 2006 with my friend Sara & Margaret.}


Today's lunch date also included Sara's little baby girl, cutie-pa'tootie, Kyra. 
She is such a joy! I love her sweet face and the purity in her eyes. 
I got her to smile when I said, "Kyra's a pretty baby!"
Thank you for a great lunch, Sara. I love you, girl!

{I love looking up as it reminds me God is still sitting on the Throne.}

Following lunch, I went home to spend some time with my husband over some Pinkberry yogurt before he left for work. Shortly after, I went to see one of my cousin, Alex's football game. The weather was amazing, and the sky was just the same. 

After the game, and after Pilates class, I picked up Chinese to make it in time for the Vice Presidential Debate. I was very disappointed with Biden's verbal and non-verbal communication, and found it to be grotesque in his reply to national security/terrorist attacks, the countries debt, job decline, healthcare, and women's rights. 

Needless to say, I get really frazzled, upset, and frustrated at the thought of this country in the hands of President Obama. After I saw a post from a friend on Facebook yesterday on Obamacare's micro-chipping, I did some research and found that if he takes office for another term, he plans of putting this into action next March 2013. To add to my emotions, I heard about the little 14 year old Pakistan girl who was shot in the head for her beliefs on education. I cried myself to sleep praying for her. This little girl just wants girls in her country to have the freedom to be educated, and here I am in school & a nurse...and I cannot help her. As I pondered on the issues of micro-chipping and the little girl, I began to wonder if Americans are microchipped aren't we just the same as that little girl? Would we really have our freedom? In a sense, we end up the same - with our government monitoring our every move. Is that freedom? Our President wants to concern himself with women's rights and tell us that he want to give us the freedom to do what we want with our body, but we must all get microchipped so he and who knows who else can keep track of us? Someone help the nurse! This sounds ludicrous! I don't know if this is going to happen for sure or not, but it should make you think. In fact, in Revelations 13:16 it talks about the mark of the beast. I know one thing is for sure, Jesus will return, and my hope is in HIM. 

{RFID - Obamacare microchip}

 I've been doing a lot of praying these days as this election approaches, and while driving home a song came on the radio that gave me the peace I needed. Here are the words:

"I've got this blessed assurance holding me. All I know is I'm not home yet, this is not where I belong. Take this life and give me Jesus. This is not where I belong." ~ Kutless

 ♥ Paloma Blanca